Chel Marie’s Creative Corner

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thank you everyone for all your love and support

♥ Hugs and kisses ♥ 
Not all the test results are in yet, I should know more in about10 days... 
The results I did receive revealed that I quit breathing about 50 times an hour... 
from 1 to 3 minutes...the most likely causing of my morning migraines...
Their still not sure what is causing the evening migraines.
Who would of known...that migraines are caused from a lack of oxygen?
They said that morning migraines are the leading symptom of sleep apnea, 
second is chronic fatigue, and Fibromyalgia...hummmm. 
What they don't know is what causes sleep apena. 
They also said most people don't even know they have it...
So that's all I know so far...But it's a start.

I came home with a lovely new addition, my pink new
She's so quite, you can hardly tell she's here, but she keeps me breathing.
She even has a computer and can tell how many times I quit breathing throughout the night;
How long I sleep and how long in between sleeps...
She can also tell if I'm being a good compliant little
She can even send an alarm to the company and let them know if I've stopped breathing 
resulting in a phone call to wake my behind up.... 
So I guess I'd have to say she pretty important in my life.

I am soooo grateful to have some answers to at least one of my medical conditions.
For any of you who experience more then 1 migraine a week please let your doctor know,
and ask them if you could be experiencing sleep apnea.
what I didn't realize is how serious quitting breathing really is, 
and that it could effect virtually anyone, at any weight, at any age.

Every night my brain was deprived of oxygen, 
I was just lucky enough to start breathing again on my own, that's not always true for some.
The studies show that sleep apena is the cause of  many deaths...
I'm not fond of my new pink additon, and I'm sure it's going to take some getting use to, 
but if it means I might start feeling even a little bit better, I'm sure going to give it a try.

Thank you all sooo much for your love and support, 
all your phone calls, emails and well wishes.
You all mean the world to me,
I'm so blessed to have you in my life, 
I'm so blessed to have such an amazing team of medical staff 
who are bound and determined to get me well
Peace, Love and Blessings to all of you!
♥ Hugs and kisses ♥

Monday, March 7, 2011

Off to the Hospital for dreaded tests

Hi everyone... 
I am off to the hospital for the next several days so I won't be able to post for a few days, 
I'm hoping to find answers to all my migraines. 
Thank you everyone who has called or emailed and expressed your heartfelt love and compassion,
you all mean the world to me.....

 Above are a couple pieces I put together
Love and hugs
I will be back soon!!!!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Winner of One World One Heart is..... Me♥

 Joyride and the Muse

 Joyride and the Muse
Yesterday after returning home from two difficult days of medical testing in Seattle, I was greeted by this  spectacular surprise. A beautiful lace covered box held the gem of the Joyride and the Muse. I was the winner of Lisa Swifka One World One Heart drawing over at A Whimsical Bohemian Artist's Blog 

My gift was the Joyride and the Muse which Lisa hand made, you can read about her here: She is just as beautiful in person as she is in the pictures. I can't tell you how excited and grateful I was to learn that I had won her. She has found her new home next to my other beloved and cherished belongings that provide me my daily source of inspirations....  
Help me thank Lisa by visiting her blog... 
She has recently announced that One World One Heart is being retired this year, 
and the launch of 
Our World Our Art a BRAND NEW EVENT will begin in 2012.
For more information.... See  Our World Our Art

Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU Lisa for your wonderful gift.
She will forever be cherished and loved!

{{{{{Love & Hugs}}}}

Magical Mythical Makings WS Week 4 Final Mermaid

Here is my final project for week 4...highlights and all.

On to week 5 
Fairies & Unicorns
Stay tuned for my next creations where we learn all about:

Mythical Being: Fairies & Unicorns
By Master: Brian Froud
Themes: Fun, play, being in the now
Surface: Canvas fabric & paper wall hanging

Random Act's of Kindness By Way of .......................Love Love Love & More Love....

These past few weeks have been an energy charged emotional roller coaster filled with  bursts of love, compassion and heartfelt appreciation....  all generated by a simple gift of a Valentine...... I just wanted to share the powerful gift of love I've experienced these past few weeks since Valentine’s Day.  I also want to share my random acts of love, appreciation and kindness with my faithful readers.

As I wrote last month, Valentine's has always been very special to me. I love giving them out just as much as I love receiving them. It’s my way of letting those around me known that I love and appreciate them.  I do it for them just as much as I do it for myself. It makes me feel good knowing I put a smile in someone’s heart. That's what makes my world sing.

My cards were a huge hit this year... everyone loved them. Most said it was the first card they have received in years. Some even went as far to say it was the only card or Valentine wishes they had ever received.... This broke my heart and made me start thinking of way I could spread my love all year long.  I decided that I was going to do random acts of kindness throughout the year, making everyday special. 

I went through all my boxes of greeting cards, post cards and stationary that I've been collecting for that special moment for years... I picked out my favorites, grabbed a hot cup of chi tea, curled up in my blankets and started writing out little notes of love and friendship. Making each card unique, I addressed them: To My Friend...I wrote out as many as I could before exhausting myself as I was still not feeling well. Noticing that once I was finished I felt so much better knowing that each little note card was filled with love, compassion and my heartfelt blessings; Knowing that I would be sending love into the world to those who might not have any, or could use a little extra that particular day,....Expressing my love, appreciation, and friendship to friends I've yet to meet. I put several in my art bag, my purse, my car, and my backpack that I sometimes carry with me. I wanted to be sure that I always have some with me to hand out randomly at all times, when people least expect it, hoping to make their day as others have made my day when I've received an unexpected cards in the mail.

A couple weeks ago, after spending the week giving out Valentine's to everyone I came into contact with... I received a couple different invitations to groups of artist's on line who also wanted to send out Random Acts of Kindness...Carol at A Little Goddess In All  and Effy at  Wild Precious  had invited me to join their group of creative souls to join in on one of their RAK.... Serendipitous? I don't think so.... I believe that when we send love out into our troubled world... it generates more love and brings love right back into your life... I believe this group of ladies came into my life just when I need them.... Just like I may be coming into your life when you need me...

I believe that we are all connected by our energy... As a practitioner of The Artist's Way... the one thing we learned is that the universe is always working with us.... So when our thoughts are generating love, kindness, gratitude, generosity, and appreciation.... it will come back to you tenfold... you attract that which you project... So if you project love... love will come back to you.

If you don't believe me....walk into a room smiling...laughing...with flowers, or singing... and see how the energy of the room changes... Then just to prove my point...walk into a room and be grumpy, frowning, sad, or crying.... and feel the energy of the room follow suit. Just try it... see for yourself if you haven't experienced it... or maybe you just haven't noticed....our world is a changing place... it is in need of love, kindness, compassion, and encouragement. How will you help change our world and make it a better place to live? How will you bring love into your life?

I would love to hear about your "Random Acts of Kindness" "Pay-it-forwards" or "Loving gestures" towards others. For the next year on the last day of every month I will pick and feature one story left in my comments section that moves my heart. If your story is picked and featured, you will receive a signed original Altered Post Card Art such as the ones I've posted above and below. This will be my gift to you....  In order to enter for your opportunity to receive one of my cards... you must post your Random Act of Kindness in my comment area. I hope that I've inspired you to love and be loved. 

Love, hugs & peace to all of you... 
Each of you are special, each of you mean the world to me...
Thank you for visiting my blog, 
Thank you for sharing your thoughts,
Thank you for being in my life!

Each card is watercolor painted on one side and collage on the other, 
each is unique and an original by me. 