Chel Marie’s Creative Corner

Friday, November 12, 2010

♥Tis The Season.... Holiday Give away ♥

Tell Me, What Is Your Favorite Family Holiday Tradition?
One of our favorite Holiday traditions were to make several different kinds of cookies, breads, and candies... then package them up nice and festive.  My kids and I would go around our community and hand deliver cookies every Christmas eve to ...our friends, doctors,  community service places like the post office, police dept, fire dept, along with local homes for disabled elders, adult and children. Then we'd go down town to the Shelters and hand out small containers of cookies along with socks & gloves to the homeless living along the streets of Anchorage Alaska. It was our way of letting others know how much we appreciate them and that they are loved...

Keeping in the spirit, I'd like to give a way a loaf of my Banana Bread to the lucky person who shares their favorite family tradition on my blog, I will enter your traditions in a drawing to be held on Friday November 26th 2010 noon my time, where I will draw a lucky winner to receive one of my heart shaped Banana Breads & Homemade College Card.... OK... I know it's not an autographed signed book, but it is made with love and I'm sure to delight any who share in your winning… We would love to hear your family tradition....
Enter for your chance to win


  1. I love your favorite tradition!

    Ok, my favorite family tradition is giving all the kids a Christmas ornament every year. My grandparents on both sides started this when my brother and I were each born. As a kid, it was just another ornament, but now, every Christmas when I go to decorate my tree it is a flood of awesome memories as I pull out each ornament, look at the dates and remember what we did that Christmas and who we got to spend it with. Also, by the time I was old enough to want my own tree, I already had this beautiful collection of really meaningful ornaments.

    So now, we have passed this tradition on to all our nieces and nephews. It's great. It's such an affordable gift and will grow to be such a meaningful one as the years pass on. Talk about a gift that keeps giving! :)

  2. hehe i want to win!!!! My favorite holiday tradition....hmmm.....well, as this will be my 2nd Christmas with Jacob, I'd have to say snuggling up on the couch with eggnog (his with rum, mine without haha) and watching a movie while the tree glistens with lights and snowflakes fall outside ♥ :)

  3. hehe i want to win!!!! My favorite holiday tradition....hmmm.....well, as this will be my 2nd Christmas with Jacob, I'd have to say snuggling up on the couch with eggnog (his with rum, mine without haha) and watching a movie while the tree glistens with lights and snowflakes fall outside ♥ :)

  4. Tis the season Drawing for a winner on Chel Marie's Creative Corner Holiday Give-a-way....Due to the high number of entries (2), I had to pick two winner's Amy and Rhonda (aka Jordan)...Yahooo.... You two are the lucky winners of one of my Famous Heart Shaped Banana Breads ♥ Please send me your mailing address in a private email and I will send you your Prize....Thank you everyone who entered for a chance to win ♥
