Chel Marie’s Creative Corner

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Every year on Valentines Day 
I try and do something special for others, 
I try to give love to someone who might not otherwise be told they are loved.
I handed out Valentines to people I didn't know, 
I mailed them to six people I met on-line around the world, 
I gave them to homeless kids out on the streets in Port Townsend,  
and to elders I've met around my community. 
As I sit in the hospital all day receiving my chemo therapy, 
I'll be handing out Valentines to everyone who comes in to get their treatment;
Hoping to make their day a little bit better,
or to put a smile on their face,
maybe fill their heart with love.
I opened my eyes to the love all around me....
I didn't expect or receive cards, 
or other luxuries, 
but what I did receive 
was a heartfelt appreciation, 
and love
from those who's heart I touched.
 I hope I've touched your heart, 
I hope your Valentine's Day has been filled with love.  
Mine has.... 
Love and hugs to you my creative friend!


  1. Chel,

    I LOVE these! The gorgeous arty LOVE gently infuses the viewer - if that's the effect on screen, they must have been even more powerful LOVE bubbles in real life!

    Your generousity is an inspiration, especially at at time like this! Know that lots of LOVE is coming right back at you!

    PS. I'm doing a Labyrinth Healing Ritual today, and will be sending you sparkles of gentle, healing Faerie LOVE!

  2. Suzana... Thank you!!! Yesterday when I handed out Valentine's to everyone at the hospital.... seeing their smiles, the glow in their eyes brighten even when minutes before their was sadness, hearing their comments "This is the only Valentine I received. Thank you!" I knew I had done good... I knew I touched many hearts.... Even though I wasn't feeling well myself... it made me feel so much better knowing I made their day, touched their heart, made them feel loved and appreciated. It was the best Valentine wish and day after I could of had.

    Jody.... Thank you!!!! :)

    I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day.... Love and hugs to everyone!

  3. Chel....I've sent the email and I posted it on my blog.....and now I am telling you here.... you are one of my winners for a OWOH door prize!! Check it out my dear!

  4. Oh my Goodness....I am soooo Grateful, speechless and excited... I can hardly believe it.... Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Lisa so much!!!!! It's been so much fun exploring all the many different beautiful and incredible sites... Everyone is so creative, and filled with passion that oozes out on to every page filling our hearts with compassion, inspiration and desire to explore, create, and be apart of a wonderful artistic community. Again, Thank you so much! I feel so very blessed.
    Love, Hugs and Many Blessings to everyone!

  5. I have to tell you all... Even thought this week for me is usually a difficult one as I'm usually sick for several days after receiving my chemo therapy... I felt so much love, so much peace and happiness... On Tuesday I handed out Valentine's to everyone I came into contact with. I went with a bag full of Valentines made out to "My Friend". There were so many smiles, tears in their eyes, hugs, and appreciation. So many comments that this was the only Valentine they had received... It filled my heart with so much love, joy and compassion. The feelings overwhelmed me... Someone asked me "Why would you do that? Why would you go to the much trouble, you don't even know these people."

    My answer.... "Because it made them feel better, which then made me feel better. I did it because I wanted others to feel loved."

    Mission accomplished!

    Love and Hugs everyone!
