Chel Marie’s Creative Corner

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

1000 posts give-a-way Over at Lenna's Creative Swaps

Lenna Over at Creative Swap is Hosting a wonderful Prize Give-a-Way 
for reaching her 1000 Blog Posts.
*****My "Color My World Purple" ATC's happen to be her 999th blog post*****
Hurry on over and post a comment because she's picking winners Sunday August 14th.
While you're there, check out her ATC's and Post Card Swaps. You'll see my latest entry's in her Color My World ...Purple! Swap. Leanna Still has a few more openings for her August Swaps, but you might want to sign up early, for the fill up quite quickly.... Enjoy!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Chel, for your wonderful comment and blog post. It is very special that your ATCs were my 999th post! I will be swapping and sending your returns home soon. : ) lenna
