~*~*~*Sparkly Glitter*~*~*~
The Elements of Art Journaling is going to take you on a journey through earth, air, water, fire and spirit that will help you to create the most meaningful pages you possibly can. These pages will be beautiful. They will glow with your talent! They will shine with artistry and vibrancy and glorious colour!
Most importantly, these pages will be authentically, gorgeously, vibrantly and undeniably YOURS.
The art journal is more than just a collection of pretty pages, right? It is a snapshot of your very soul preserved forever in paint and glitter and kept like hidden treasure up on a shelf in your studio. It is a gritty, raw, love-oozing, self-reflective testimony! It is a dioxazine purple remembrance! A quinacridone nickel azo gold love letter! It is you – all of you – wrapped up in hemp twine or antique lace like a gift from the you of this present moment to the you of tomorrow.
When & Where
Registration is NOW OPEN! The classroom will be held in a private group within the gorgeous cyber-walls of Wild Precious Studio. There will be a fantastic PRE-CLASS PARTY but class won’t start until JULY 1, 2011. After the course is over the classroom itself will remain open for six more weeks to allow for catching up and downloading.
What Else?
The course will include videos & PDF's along with personal attention from Effy. everything you post will get her feedback. There will be a live chat every week for the duration of our ‘chapter’ weeks.
There are six ‘chapters’ but she will continue giving feedback on your work for a full eight weeks. The group itself will stay open for 12 weeks, and all course materials are yours to keep!
There will be 6 projects. And one of those projects will be an altered composition book journal that we’ll make ourselves to keep all our TEAJ stuff in!